The Indecisive Moment

Those of you who understand the reference above will probably have been here too.

Not this physical place, but this photographic place.

I was late getting out to lunch. The sun had beaten me to it and I decided I needed some air. I've pretty much paced and blipped every square inch around my work so I found myself standing in the new square outside the Usher Hall wondering where on earth I could go to take an interesting photograph in the 10 minutes I had to spare before I had to be back at my desk for the next call, including foraging for soup and a roll ...

... when the sun, monoliths and passer by combined to present this scene to me.


Its the scene I had imagined when I got my colleague to pose by the monoliths a few months back.

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LOTD: I really like the smoke and light in Derided by Vanity's "Filming in Charlestown harbour. Arr" blip - and I'm hoping that the "Arr" bit is because jodyone is speaking like a pirate :-)

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