Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Family Art Gallery

Very , very wet today so settled down to read the papers in the warmth of our cosy lounge . I was particularly interested in an article with this headline ;

" GoogleStreet View goes inside the galleries to bring art to the masses"

Seems a great idea as we will be able to see great art from 17 galleries across the world. Apparently it took four to eight hours to capture each painting with thousands of images stitched together. Definitely looking forward to seeing this.

Anyway this article gave me an idea of a mini series which I could blip until the rain stops. We have art work done by our family over the years , some of which we have framed. So tonight here is batik art , designed and worked on silk by our youngest when she was about 14 years old ( 30 next year ) . Had to take it out of the frame as the glass was creating problems. Natural light from the velux window in our bedroom gave enough light without being too harsh.

Off on a hunt for tomorrow's objet d'art.

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