The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Boat house puddle

Where did spring go?

Torrential rain almost saw me having to rescue our Postie today. A few soggie letters later and trousers clinging to her legs. I did feel sorry for her, but she said the worst was over as she couldn't get any wetter. Off she strode bravely into the cloud which was at ground level and out of sight.

Had a wee saunter to the gym and regret it now.
My back is not happy at all, so I am now rethinking what I am doing excercise wise. I have now booked into my first local Yoga class, as the Yoga retreat whetted my appetite.

Look forward to a lithe SP in the near future..........perhaps not!

On the way to buy the "Doing" for dinner, I detoured to the loch and blipped the Boathouse again.

I will have to try something different, as I need inspiration.


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