Crenel View

By crenel

From Relief to Grief, or Buyers Remorse Revisited

This PowerPC G5 is not the most photogenic subject, but I don't care if it looks bad. In one form or another, it's one of the more significant reasons I went all the way through January without a single blip.

When I first got it back in '05, I felt a sense of relief. I no longer had to struggle with buggy video editing software in crash-prone Windows, I now had a solid editing suite on a stable platform.

A few days later, Apple announced the switch to Intel. Begin the "buyer's remorse" part. If only I'd waited another week or two!

Other than the hastened march into obsolescence, things went all right for several years. A few glitches here and there, but mostly it was a reliable machine and I've done a lot of work with it.

Then 2011 arrived, and within 48 hours of the new year arriving, the G5 power supply died. I managed to hurt my back in the process of taking it in for service, putting me out of action for several days. A hefty price tag and too many days later, I got the machine back with what I assume was a refurbished power supply.

And today, it died again. So if it looks ugly in this shot, well, that's just fitting.

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