In passing

By passerby

Pebbles sans I


There was once
A gurgling stream
So swift, so clear,
It froze my stare.
And when the sun shone
Leaving darkness alone,
The rivulet's heart
Lit up with a spark.
I leant close,
And was struck
By rays of fervent hope.
I saw mundane pebbles
And pale stones
Into dazzling jewels
Quietly Transform.

And a songful of thought
Was unwittingly caught...
Why can we not
Like my river be?
And blissfully free?
Why do we evade
The mirror's gaze
And enshroud ourselves
In so dark a haze?

Upon us too
The sun will shine,
To reveal our soul
With equal rhyme,
Then we would gurgle
And we would flow,
Free of all bindings
We'd swim back home.

P.S. Have been too busy lately. Not commenting enough. Will do so the moment I get time. And thanks to all who have been viewing (and I hope, enjoying) my photoblog.

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