Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Miss Pink decided to wear her hairband today, She proudly sported it with a smile wherever she went!!

The day didn't start off well, Master Pink was being shall we say a....monkey! I came home from the school run grumpy and despondant. My real life friend but contacted virtually, gave me some positive thinking, and I set about turning the day around.

First off was to put into action a reward chart, lent to us by a friend, just to try it, if it doesn't work out, we haven't lost anything! Master Pink has four things to do each day; get ready for school in time, do homework, get changed out of uniform, and eat his tea nicely!! He has asked togo to the playground at the weekend as a reward, which will be fab, so if he gets 15 ticks then thats where we are are heading

Miss Pink and I went to the church baby club, which we haven't been to for a while. And it was fun, Miss Pink really enjoyed it. She seemed quite sad to come home.

Miss Pink went to my in-laws this afternoon, so I had some time just to do things with Master pink, so we made "I can cook's" banana loaf. It was nice to spend a hour or two just with him, and doing something without any tears or tantrums.

So the day turned around, and actually was quite a good day - hoorah!

Oh and Miss PInk's new words: come up!, baby Jesus, bed, star, moon, sun

And she know what you mean if you ask for a are rewarded with a very lovely upsy daisy/iggle piggle type kiss.

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