Gregs Life

By aufbau

Whats under the marker pen

Today started of pretty badly, doubled up in pain from the infected wound on my stomach.

Went to the doctor and he had a prod and a poke and concluded I was in a pretty bad shape with a big absess (6cm by 6cm) under one of the wounds.

I was sent immediately back to raigmore for this to be cleaned out.

Got to Raigmore and checked in to the ward and they set about cutting me open right on my bed. Few injections of local anaesthetic later and the pus was flowing.

I have to say that I thought it wouldn't be too bad but I was so wrong. The local stopped the pain from the top layer of tissue but nothing else.

Anyway enough of that, should be all sorted now and I am suitably doped up to the eyeballs with antibiotics and painkillers.

They let me go a few hours later and I'm now back at home

My blip is of the info card I was given and it made me smile as if you lookat the last line there is a word scored out, that word is INTERUPTED. I think they may have meant uninterupted.

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