Days Of Me

By carolas


Well what a day I have ended up with, when is my luck going to change:) Got home from work, OL is now on his weekend of relaxation, so decide to have a relaxing night, so off I go to get some yummy morsels from our local supermarket, the job is done. Now heading home and the next thing I know I'm being totally side swapped by another vehicle. I am now totally fed up of Christchurch drivers, either not looking, slowing down or stopping for red lights. For me this is the second car accident in 10 months, both not being my fault!! I am ok, the car is a bit messy, but it can be fixed:) So my blip is about how I am now feeling, I might just try and walk every where. Next thing I see this group of people walking across a crossing oblivious to what is around them and low and behold there is a cyclist thinking I'm a pedestran and cut in front of everyone. I'm now starting to wonder is it safe just to stay put at home?!!

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