Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Snow in Austin, TX....

This may be the only real snow (and it was only a few inches) that my girls see in Austin that they remember during their childhood!!! I know it isn't exciting to those of you who know what real snow is like, but it is exciting to Austin who only sees snow rarely. I only remember it snowing and sticking enough to do anything with it about 2-3 times in my entire childhood growing up in Austin. We get super excited about snow of any kind.

The girls had so much fun this morning....but they got cold fast!! They were bundled and gloved and hatted, but they needed to come in often to thaw. The snow was beautiful and powdery and it was melting by 10 am. They threw lots of snowballs and learned that getting hit in the face was not as fun as it seemed it would be. They worked fast and made a small snow man after lots of scraping. Now the girls are content to look at the snow and finish the day warm and cozy in the house content with their snowman mission accomplished.

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