rinse and repeat

I'd fortunately grabbed this bucket before running up to the bathroom as the bath was occupied by Edgar who might not have appreciated the sight of a parent vomiting heavily into the toilet beside the bath. After an afternoon of feeling slightly odd and an expectant lean over a toilet (which came to nothing) after a waft of nausea at about half-past three I decided to leave work after throwing properly up at about half four, though didn't actually leave until nearer half-past five after waiting to throw up again before leaving in order to ensure that (even assisted by the strong winds) I made it home before needing to throw up again, which I did with seconds to spare. Despite three vomitings sounding sufficient to get rid of anything I'd recently eaten there were still recognisable (either by their colour in the bucket or their texture as they worked their way back up) substances coming up over the next few hours' regular hourly vomits. After a while the only thing coming up was the water and very weak squash I'd been sipping, which at least gave it a better flavour than undiluted bile. I'd been planning on sleeping on the bed in Edgar's room as it offered a slightly more direct route to the bathroom but had to go through to our room sometime after midnight when woken by the sound of Nicky being similarly afflicted, unfortunately in front of the hitherto-sleeping wingpiglet. The next time he picks up some sort of norovirus-like gastrointestinal malady which we stand a decent chance of catching off him I'm going to limit my food intake to the bare minimum for the next few days just to make it much less of a hassle to have it all forcibly ejected.

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