
By washedout

Tiger eye.

Last day with Tiger alone in the house.
Went to go pick up the parents from the airport around 5.

The whole week I have ran into friends, family, and other co workers and we discussed college and my hobby of photography.
They all heard my side of the story explaining how all in all im unhappy in college.
Im not going into school and doing what I want to do.
The funniest part, and perhaps ironic enough is that they agreed with me on when I said I wanted to go to Kendall College of Art & Design to pursue photography.

So when I was picking up the rents, I brought it up to them again (4th time perhaps) and the same results occurred.
Them shutting it down instantly and not giving me support (not even spiritual)

I think it's time I pursue what I want in life.

as of now, im starting to look into Kendall a lot more.
Student loans, classes, the works
I honestly don't mind coming out of college in debt because ill be.....HAPPY

Any blippers out there have some advice?
let me know, it would be greatly appreciated.
(this is the most i've opened up to the community id say, and perhaps 60% won't read it, but people who do...thank you very much)

thanks again,

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