My life in blips

By Goretex

Looking rather bemused!

After a rather busy week, it's suddenly Friday night! Weather has been awful recently with lots of rain and wind.

MP was rather bemused by Euber's sporran when he appeared in his kilt to head off to D's joint 21st ceilidh celebration with another couple of friends.

You know your getting old though when a young guy asks you which 21st birthday host you are RELATED to rather than a friend of!!! Oh well, I guess there's no danger of that happening at Mag's party tomorrow.

Other highlight of the day ......... C stole SD's sausage casserole I made him and ate it for himself. This has never been heard of on any previous occasion. I'm touched. Maybe I'll succeed in getting C to eat fruit and veg??? How much would Killer Queen love me for that:)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Chalked up another year!

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