Displacement activities

By Detritus

Overdue cliche

I've previously blipped Mousehold Heath, albeit in a blurry manner. I drive past St James Hill on the eastern edge at least twice every working day, and photo's taken looking across the city are a common sight on photo sharing sites - but I've never been up there myself.

Today, dropping my son off to visit a relative, I drove past that way, and took advantage of the "just passing" excuse to park up outside Britannia Barracks, and do the obvious shot.

Notable landmarks - the castle, dating back to Norman times, but rebuilt with imported French stone, City hall, with it's columns and clock tower, the Cathedral, which turned 900 years old a few years back, and the Roman Catholic Cathedral in the background, pretending to be older than it's 100 years. Just visible in the bottom right is Cow tower, part of the city's medieval city wall. Disappearing up on the bottom left is Ketts Hill, named for the rebel camp that fought the kings forces through the city, and under which are a number of old, unmapped chalk mines which I've been told occasionally collapse - these mines are said to pepper the city, most famously when one swallowed a bus (just around the corner from my then home).

By our standards, very windy today - not to Australian standards, but enough to blow over the camera and tripod. I caught it with the lens about an inch from the ground - only damage a slight ache in my right shoulder - it's a hefty tripod and lens to catch...

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