
By Mememe

Crane Hook

Out to Swindon Outlets reasonably early today as Mike wanted/needed more work shirts. He used to buy them on Portobello Market but seeing as we aren't there anymore he doesn't have the opportunity, shame!! That also means that I don't have the chance to shop on the market anymore or to go into The Spice Shop, OH how I liked that shop, I could never come out of there without buying something new and different. . . . .


We were in one of the many shops looking at shirts when I came over all hot and odd so went out the shop and saw this crane. It just sort of said to me 'Take my picture, I am what you want' So I did and stood under the hook of the crane and just looked up and thought 'Yup, that should be the one'.

Only taken about 7 pictures today but will try harder tomorrow.

Mike is off to Faslane for a week, he leaves late morning tomorrow, so I will need to try hard to keep occupied all week.

Our sister Linda, Settling Down, is staying with Tina, All things blipable, tonight, {Lin n Al are going to David's funeral Monday morning in Weston Super Mare. David was our eldest sister Rosemary's father in law who passed away recently}.

Tina, Steve, Lin, Al, Mike and I are meeting up to go out for a meal tonight which should be fun.

Have a good weekend all, hugs x

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