With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Nasticreechia Krorluppia

Or down.

Football sub for the other sickness-ridden alevins team for Ben and Fab birthday party at the science museum for Agu. Happy birthday Ellie and thanks Mich and Andy. He's still raving about prehistoric goats.

Agu took us to Santa Catalina for lunch in a sushi restaurant. Great stuff, and I love SC, always something going on there. I am planning on working my way through every restaurant there is.

The boys had a little play in the park there and then I spotted these processionary caterpillars. They are horrid things, leaving very bad rashes, particularly to those who are allergic and they kill the pine trees too. No sympathies for these two either (yes, two! They sniff each other's bottoms to stay in line, hence the name. Ugh)

Thanks to Edward Lear for the name, one of my favourite books when I was little.

I was going to go out tonight, but I have stuck to the fireside with a duvet to try and finally get rid of this cold and have a rest. The boys are off at Agu's place, and visiting the abuelos tomorrow. It's very, very quiet....

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