Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

busy day!

but i fitted in the time to dye my hair, and it feels so gooood! soft and lovely.

even though dye is a bit bad for your hair!

I swam today, i say swam, Misha and I tried to avoid kids...our original swimming plans were squished by the lifeguards not turning up and so the pool not opening, so we had to go to another one...full of kids...and floating plasters.

Then, family timeeee! Shopping with mammy, gran and mammy and coffee, and then gutted my room in the flat, 3 lots of washing done, hair dyed as i did this, cleaned lots more, half hour on phone to virgin trying to fix the internet (it broke!) frustration!!! emailing lots of people about a campaign thing in the next few weeks...gah time has gone!!!!!

:-) i like to be busy!

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