Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

48 Hours

Some updates:

Like I started mentioning last entry, I went to the Pistons career fair Friday. It was intense. I was probably the only high-schooler there. The majority were college students. At the executive panel Q & A, the Pistons reps gave a lot of good insight. I was taking notes like crazy haha. I didn't get any formal interviews, but just being able to talk to all the reps was good. Right now, the most possible places for me to intern over the summer look like the Pistons, Detroit Sports, or Shore Mortgage. I'm definitely an underdog, but it never hurts to try haha.

I did make a very important connection. He is Chris, a senior and Michigan who's studying sport management. We talked about a bunch of stuff while waiting in some of the lines, and he said that he's been interning at Michigan's athletic department for the past two years, and that he would put in a good word for me. That's awesome, and I'm very grateful for that.

Yesterday was musical. At district solo & ensemble, our quartet did well. That was only a warmup for the gala. Before that, it started snowing like crazy. But as the Lupe Fiasco song goes, "The Show Goes On". The whole concert was amazing. Our quartet went well. Fiddlers was crazy fun. Although I could only hear from backstage, Peiming sounded really good. Symphony orchestra had a lotta fun with Kris Johnson and his jazz quintet, and they played a wicked cool encore piece. I was tired, but at the same time, I was jumping around like crazy at the afterglow. I slept at midnight. It was hard to sleep haha.

I got this pic of Zach while we were backstage. This is one of the calm-before-the-storm moments. It was a fun storm haha.


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