Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Super bowl (Pottery series #2)

I understand there's a bizarre ritual taking place in the United States today involving very large men in girly tights and padded shoulders who trample each other to gain possession of an ovoid ball and carry it over a designated line. Pneumatic-chested cheerleaders exhort the aforementioned gladiators to victory by performing acrobatic feats while shouting girlishly and wriggling impossibly tight posteriors. Adding to the lunacy, onlookers on couches urge both players and cheerleaders on by consuming large amounts of chili, chicken wings, beer and popcorn while swearing at supersized TV screens and chewing their nails to the quick.

Well at least we've established how much I know about American football.

T commissioned our English potter friend
Steve Harrison to make this two-handled salt-glaze bowl for my 40th birthday. I like the way the clementines inside match the orange-peel texture of Steve's glaze.

Super bowl.

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