life in 4x6

By macdoughnut


Day 147

After the recent gales, a couple of trees on the meadows were blown down. This one was pretty impressive, it was close to the path and the big route ball actually pushed the path down into the ground. I always think it's sad when a giant falls, but as a (un)friendly swede pointed out, it's the ill ones that die!

As you can see, somebody has made good use of their marker pen! i stood and looked at it for a good wee while, i love unexpected finds!

From the centre it says...
1890 (started on a wednesday) - this tree attains hight of approx 3
Forth Road Bridge is opened (March 4th)
The big ring says 1900
Albert Einstein publishes 'Relativity'
Universal Suffrage (UK)
Gone With The Wind (film) released
Le Deuxième Sexe publishes 'the Second Sex'
Rosa Parks sits on front seat of bus
Edinburgh Uni library built
Berlin Wall comes down (also the year i was born)
End of apartheid in S. Africa
Scottish Devolution

And the approximation is that this tree is 121 years old

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