basic care

After the previous night's infant-vomit events (the wingpiglet had ceased vomiting quite as frequently by early morning and by the time I'd got to work he'd managed to eat most of a generic Weetabix-effect breakfast wheat-based cereal product as normal and had seemed to be mostly normalish during the day, though hadn't been taken to any of his usual things in case he sprayed any contagions all over all the other attendees) and the morning's associated tasks (including loading all the applicable affected items into the washing machine without drawing breath) I was very nearly officially late clocking-in this morning, though avoided a red-bordered entry on the time and attendance system by mere seconds and faulty programming. I had been intending to stay later than usual anyway in order to pop to the flat to continue the minor maintenance tasks I had been unable to complete last year when the tenants failed to be in at the appointed time after I'd just lost a rear light to the extra bouncing incurred by travelling across the city through heavy snow to make the appointment. As it was I might just have barely scraped a normal working day's worth of hours, though shall have another evening soon when I have to stay slightly later at work in order to go past the flat on the way home to complete one of the other tasks they had requested (and which had been sufficiently mis-described by the time it reached us through the letting agent to ensure) that I didn't have anything like the right sort of bits with me to fix. I shall not be dusting the light in the stairwell as I quite like it like this.

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