Clare's Symi

By claresymi

Frying Tonight!

Just when I thought I was going to have to take some snaps of my ugly feet and post a Blip in response to this week's Challenge - Body Parts, I saw this.

It's not a pretty picture but it does show something that I'm sure happens most days on Symi but something that I've never actually seen before, the sale of freshly caught fish on someone's doorstep. There were better snaps but I decided to use this one as the fish on the scales (or is that the scales on the fish?) give a better perspective of the size of the biggest specimen.

Today's title is a quote from my favourite Carry On film, 10 points for anyone who can guess which one it is. Apologies for those Blippers who are not from Britain and don't know about Carry O films - I won't try and explain but here's a link to the Wikipedia page which will explain everything.

Be warned an ugly feet Blip may still follow - there are still 6 days of the challenge to go.......

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