With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Read the signs

The less well worn path inevitably leads me to such as this bucolic scene. I've been waiting a while for the few seconds it takes to pull the car aside, the light to be right, and the sheep to be near the fence.

But then I turned around and there were strange scribblings in the sky. Not that odd for a tourist island I suppose, but then I suddenly realised I dreamed of taking this blip last night. The scrawlings were a little more complicated during the night, but none the less, I actually dreamed I would take a blip of vapour trails today. I'm not going mad, because when the day was nearly over, the lady at the football club bar had seen the same thing (only in Soller the sun wasn't yet over the mountains) and taken a shot too.

The remarkable thing was that there was only one plane in view. I think I may now know why, and it's no less romantic than a secret message from the heavens.

Otherwise a very busy day, both at work and at home. All good and happy. Just that 12.15 is too late to be eating dinner. Must watch that sign too.

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