Boston Life

By Denys


While doing laundry tonight....I got the idea to put the Iphone camera up to the tiny whole that lets you see the flame in the machine.

I managed to get the flash inside to light up the dark can see the blue flame in the middle but is diminished by the flash.

While reading NASA news I got this cool fact for the day:

It's official: The sun is a sphere.
On Feb. 6th, NASA's twin STEREO probes moved into position on opposite sides of the sun, and they are now beaming back uninterrupted images of the entire star-front and back.

NOAA is already using 3D STEREO models of CMEs (billion-ton clouds of plasma ejected by the sun) to improve space weather forecasts for airlines, power companies, satellite operators, and other customers. The full sun view should improve those forecasts even more.

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