Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

we shall reach the summit by nightfall...........

ah bless my little monkey, she looked so at home in the tree.
it is in fact an olive tree that has been in Bapou's (grandads) garden for, well more years than even he can remember. i have never seen one of these so old and so big before. it really is amazing. the list of fruit and veg that he has growing here is too numerous to list and since this hotel i swear is charging me by the keystroke for my internet use i shall refrain from listing them all just now (may edit it later). i will say the smell coming from the orange tree was amazing, as is being able to just walk up and pick one for yourself. now thats fresh fruit.

had a great day visiting bapou and thea (aunty) who is visiting from Oz. (looks like we could be heading over there in december.....it's a hard life.
anyway we were out for bapou's 80th tonight so i also got to meet up with a cousin who is over here for a few weeks helping his dad build a new place. probably his retirement home. well why not head back to the motherland to run out the clock.

i shall be keeping these short and sweet for the next few blips as i could ramble on forever with all that we are doing here. it's nice visiting family though. you can check out yesterdays blip here. until i am home i'll be back blipping every couple of days. this is a 5 star hotel and so are there internet prices. it would probably be cheaper to come and visit you all one by one and show you the pics while i'm there. had to post them now though as you can only back blip up to 5 days (c'mon joe and the team. whats up with that?), i didn't want to lose my perfect run just because of a little thing like a holiday. ah the dedication of blippers. i can understand Mrs McD's annoyed looks from time to time but they just don't understand.

right off to bed as it shall be the gym first thing then off to more family/ tourist shit, you know the drill.
hope you are having a good week folks............i know i am.

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