Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Bongos

Bongos originate from Africa, but Scout and Little Red Hen are fae Fife.

Claire calls these two chickens 'The Bongos' as they sound like them when you give them a pat on their backs. Each bird has it's own distinct sound when patted and never fail to give the right note.

They are however, really big scroungers.

This is the Bongos on the kitchen windowsill this morning, ready to greet me when I opened the blind. I don't encourage them up here, but it seems somebody does, as they know where to go and when.

Little Red Hen, (the one at the back) is the boldest of the flock. She runs to the back door when she hears noises in the utility room, she will even peck the dogs as they try to go out into the garden. All our chickens steal dog food, biscuits and I've even had my sandwich stolen from my hand.

They are out and out thugs, and think they rule the roost.

In their defence, their eggs are delish, and I can't remember when I last had to buy eggs from a store.

Claire is still not feeling well today, however did manage to make it into school after lunch as her Teacher was taking her and the Eco Committee to a farm to do some chicken research.

The school are getting chickens as a enterprising eco project. Claire's in seventh heaven, so now it's chicken chat,morning noon and night!

One other thing to brighten her day, is that the Chris Evans Breakfast Show called her this morning, to say that her entry for the '500 words' short story competition has been accepted and that they are 'very interested' in it.

Fingers crossed.

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