
By lifeandstuff


This has been sung at me all day by the little star. she asked me to download it to the iphone, and we have listened to it all day. So I thought I would share.... Cue... Chas and Dave...

Rabbit, rabbit ....

You got a beatiful chin,
You got beautiful skin,
You got a beautiful face,
You got taste

You got beautiful eyes,
You got beautiful thighs,
You got a lot, without a doubt,
But I'm thinkin' bout blowin you out,

Cos, you won't stop talking,
Why don't you give it a rest?
You got more rabbit than sainsburys
Its time you got it off your chest
Now you was just the kind of girl to break my heart in 2 CHORUS
I knew right off when I first met my eyes on you
But how was I to know you'd bend my ear holes too,
with your excessive talking,
you're becoming a PEST,

rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.....

Now your a wonderful girl,
you got a wonderful smell,
you got wonderful arms,
you got charms

You got wonderful hair,
We make a wonderful pair,
No I don't mind havin' a chat....
But, you have to keep givin' it that

rabbit rabbit etc....


Ok, So, not the best photo today, I have to say... nope, not happy at all. Nothing jumped out at me at all. So my choices were, this, or a box of pencils. So, I chose this. :( Ah well, tomorrow..

Good day today, good fun, mostly been listening to Chas and Dave, and Adele, 21... lovely album. But is it just me, that when you are listening to an album on headphones, feel like you are in a film? Ok, maybe just me. Adele's album made me feel like I was in a really dramatic film. Ok, maybe I should stop talking now... :D

a nice peaceful night, pampered the wee one by pretending she was in a beauty salon and gave her a mini manicure and pedicure.. (cut her nails) and a little facial.... (massaged some oil in to try and get rid of dry skin from runny nose) but she enjoyed being called "madam" and being fussed over. Bless.

Then, the weekly mountain of ironing, all the way through thinking I would reward myself with.... Apple and elderflower cordial.. Seriously, nobody can say I am not living life on the edge. Rock and roll indeed.

Hope you all had a lovely Tuesday! :D x

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