Billy Goat

By billygoat

Cloaking Device

The new folding bike - one of them - in the background and the "Rail Company Defeating Cloaking Device" - RCDCD in the foreground. Well the makings anyway. The governor and her wizard sewing machine will transform that length of Cordura into a pair of bespoke RCDCD's.
Been at Art classes today, the teacher reiterated her feelings about water colour not being a fine art medium, I mentioned Sisley, Gainsborough and Flint. She said it was still a bit limp, but conceded it was the most difficult medium to do well at and that you must be prepared to throw a lot away.
Anyway, sort of respectful truce (she's a bl**dy sight better artist than me).
Took my Mum out this afternoon and then helped her work her first microwave when we got back - not bad at 94, she was inspired to get a microwave by the governor's Mum who is a mere 88.
Late home sorry about mundane Blip.

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