Buckley Hughes World

By buckleyhughes

photo taken wearing a spacesuit

So, our brave new world starts here. Today our latest gadget (and probably the fourth most exciting in the house*) arrived before we even left for work this morning, delivered by the very cheery CityLink driver. It's a robot vacuum cleaner!

Yes, that's right, a vacuum cleaner and robot in one. It means that neither Mrs BH nor I will ever need to do any vacuuming again. Well, not quite. Like daleks, the Roomba can't do stairs, so we have had to buy a little hand-held dustbuster thing (but we can also use that to clean the car, according to Mrs BH).

Disappointingly, not only did we go out this evening to watch Jour du Fete but you have to leave the Roomba on charge for 16 hours before you're supposed to use it... so I guess that's tomorrow night's entertainment sorted already! (but I have to go to a meeting, so Mrs BH gets to watch the Roomba on her own!)

To be honest, I have just pressed it into action, and it looks rather like a drunk toddler (not that I know what one of them looks like, I'm just surmising, honest) tottering across the carpet bashing into things, moving slightly to the left and bashing into the same thing a little further along. But perhaps that's because it's not been fully charged yet?

Anyway, I hope this doesn't happen...

*gadgets that are more exciting:
1, Sonos; 2, iPhone; 3, laptops

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