The Underground Tour

By undergroundtour

Windows again

I appear to be on an architectural kick at the moment for blipping. Old fashioned windows to be exact. This house is two towns over, and just happens to be directly across the street from one of the main public parking lots which backs up to the Main St where there are alot of restaurants. So every time we go over there which is often since its near work, we stop across from this house as we come out of the parking lot. And every time I comment on the uniqueness of the windows in the roof. Ever seen windows like that? Otherwise its a pretty plain victorian, but I always wonder what it would be like to look out from those windows in the attic? What would it be like to be able to afford such a house as this one?

I think maybe some week I'll have to really set a theme.. like self portraits, or just people. I never take pictures of random people... too shy. But maybe for the week leading up to my 100th, I'll take some portraits for fun. :-)

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