With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Mysteries of the Port

I had another of my keep on driving moments this morning, but just went to the Port of Soller and then kept on walking. I took loads of shots of the mess that is there, the new tram lines, cement dust everywhere, new pipes being laid and a rather nasty looking makeshift holding tank right on the beach where it seems they are storing some very mucky water. The fact that there was a floating bund to catch the scum didn't boost my confidence in what was being pumped out there. I had a little stroll and chat with an old chap, José, who was very criticial of the methods they are using to lay down the new paving, and the politics behind the whole thing. We were both worried that they are rushing to finish the job before the season finishes, how over budget it will be and exactly who's pockets are being lined by this adventure. He literally helped me out of a hole later as I tried to get back up from the beach. Thanks José.

I strolled along the quays, watching the net mending and discussions, caught up with a few old friends and amused myself with some of the boat names. Juana Mari moored next to Mari Juan. I wonder if the second has ever had an interesting type of cargo! Two young girls were playing with a camera, one getting shots of her friend with the sea as a backdrop. And then the 'model' suddenly whipped off her coat, pulled her dress strap over her shoulder and put on some stilettoes and some sunglasses! I tried not to notice, but they were obviously getting a 'portrait' for some website. Oh my God! I ran away very quickly.

I've forgotten what I was trying to do with this shot. Can you tell me?

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