
By craftynini

'Have you Ever Had Fox Poo Up Your Fingernails?'

Up until approximately 15:00 hours I hadn't but more on that after the fecking raodwork trauma. For those of you still going through it, my thoughts are with you.

Earlier on today I did much ranting and swearing about the drivers in said roadworks. I am now riseing above the annoyance of bad mannered drivers... .. And breath.... just don't drive in the wrong lane then try to cut in!

In other news, after I photographed this Helleborus foetidus I brushed some dirt fox poo from my work trousers. Only the most lethal poo known to man. Trust me it is a killer.

I have washed my hands severl times. Showered. Used antibacterial alcoholic solution and am now burning the skin off. Any other ideas?

Lovely day to you all.

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