Gideon Miller

By gideonmiller

From Col du Palet

This ocean of white is the view over the Col du Palet at the top of the Grattalu lift in Tignes, which I'd not seen before today (the view that is, not the lift which I've seen more than once). I think the jagged triangular peak in the centre is the Bellecote, lying beyond the Glacier du Col du Nant (I really must get a proper map). The Col du Palet is the entrance to a couple of popular itinerary routes to either Nancroix through the valley to the right of the Bellecote, or to Champagny through the valley to the left of the Bellecote. There was a horribly tragic avalanche here in 1994 which claimed the lives of five British doctors and their guide. I haven't done either route but they both look like an adventurous day in the mountains. now has almost 30 cm falling in the next week, beginning with snow showers tomorrow morning. We wait with baited breath.

My pants have another rip in the crotch area, right in the centre where three seams converge, like mountain streams. A tailor would know the correct technical name for this. All I know is that super glue + duct tape = repair.

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