
By murraymonster

Birthday Girl!

Blimey - 9 years old! Another year has passed and she seems to have grown up so much. Listening to the conversations going on in the car between the 4 girls was a fascinating experience. The difference between the way they talk to one another now and the way they did just 12 months ago is striking. There have been some dramatic shifts in alliances amongst the girls in recent weeks and there is an apparent fragility to their friendships that I hadn't really appreciated fully until today. It was curious to see Fran align herself with the girls who have been "bullying" her recently and to leave her best friend stranded, only for her to exhibit a complete turnaround later on, giving her friend a huge hug and a kiss as she left to go home. Girls! :-/

Having said all that, the cinema-followed-by-pizza-restaurant experience went down a treat with everyone and I managed to fit in a quick snooze during the film to boot! Splendid!

It's a guinea pig...the cake...just in case you were wondering! :-)

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