
Worked today (busy, busy day), the came home and had a lovely lunch. Made open faced sandwiches (on fresh bakery bread - a ciabatta roll and potato roll) topped with avocado, thinly sliced shallots, sharp cheddar cheese and fried farm fresh egg. Served with a few regular potato chips - better than any purchased lunch (which is sometimes our default on a Saturday that I work).

T, K & SP came down late afternoon and we had a lovely dinner. I made toasts with shaved zucchini, fennel and parmesan, a chopped salad (full of broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, radishes, fennel, shallots and ricotta salata), and a pasta tossed with ricotta, arugula, asparagus and finished with ricotta salata and meyer lemon zest.

For dessert I made a blood orange olive oil cake. It was divine and I have always wanted to try to make an olive oil cake and I was very happy with the results.

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