slow children playing

By jenB

love is..

..(for me) a hand to hold, a gentle voice, a tender glance. A warm body lying beside me; a heart beating next to mine. The warm body not objecting to my cold feet. Or hands. Knowing we're on the same team, even when we're not on the same page. Reaching a compromise. A kiss. Saying "sorry". Hearing an apology, even when the words are not spoken (that's a tough one). The children that we share.

Oh, and this is an important one: being made a cup of tea. Especially while still in bed.

But, actually, love is nothing to do with Valentines cards, with hearts and flowers, diamonds and champagne. These things are the optional extras, the Lindor with the tea, so to speak. Yes, I love a Lindor, but without the tea? No thanks. The tea is the love, the Lindor the romance. Sometimes we need a little Lindor to perk up a cuppa, but without the cuppa, for me, the Lindor is wasted.

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