The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Lightbulb Moment!

Well, in a sense! Cute little thing I thought, as far as lightbulbs go I suppose! Was originally going to blip part of the poster on my bedroom wall for lack of inspiration, but then I noticed the light on the right of said poster wasn't working. Out came the bulb box!

The new bulb is very fancy, it's all curves and eco-friendliness... however it doesn't really match the holders as they're quite shallow. They remind me of snowdrops actually! Not sure what to do about the mis-matchedness now though... Do I go out and hunt down a couple of delicate round bulbs to look nice, or do I just wait out the imminent death of the second round bulb and replace it with an ugly yet efficient eco-bulb. Decisions decisions.

I can all hear you thinking (well, the few of you that actually bother to read this) "Does it even matter?!" And I suppose it doesn't really, I mean who looks at light fittings that closely anyway?!

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