Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Valentine's Day & New Job

Will started his new job today at Home Away. He is incredibly excited. It is such a great opportunity. He got a beautiful new Apple laptop and started training today. His office is across the way from the flagship Whole Foods store downtown.

Today, I got the first fruits from him being right across the street from Whole Foods. Will brought me these beautiful flowers and catered dinner of Candied Tangerine Grilled Salmon, Butternut Squash with Kale, Yukon Gold Roasted Potatoes & Mini Garden Salad from Whole Foods. I am guessing the benefits won't normally be so fancy. It will be more like, hey honey, we are out of milk....could you swing by and grab some on your walk home to your car?? Ummm, I haven't cooked dinner yet.....could you pick something up from Whole Foods for me??? :) Please???? Thank you for my fancy roses and dinner tonight. I am so spoiled.

I am so thrilled and proud of how much Will has accomplished in his career. Mostly, I am happy that he has found something that he loves doing so much and the is so talented at. So many people hate their jobs. Sadly, he has had several jobs that he has hated. But, he went every day without complaint to keep a roof over our heads. I am so happy when he gets to have a job that he loves. I love you, honey!! Have fun at your new job!!!

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