Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Dogger (Farm series #5)

Another fine example of a ferme-en-carré, the traditional farms in our part of Belgium. This is a fairly large farm down the road, built in 1729. Rumour has it that a minor English rocker who married into local nobility owns the place. Their dog gave me a half-hearted woof and a frantic tail wag when I stopped to take this picture. Apart from him, there are usually 2 enormous Leonbergers snoozing inside the gate, but they were nowhere in sight today. They're so friendly that I doubt they'd deter anyone who wanted to come in and steal the prize show-jumping horses that live there.

Went to the doctor this morning to have my staples removed following my surgery a week ago. What a relief not to have them embedded in my side any more, although it still hurts quite a lot when I laugh or sneeze. I have it on good authority (T's anyway) that I'm in the running for world's grumpiest, most mule-headed patient.

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