
By dsyglsy


this is a painting by judy palmer - who is my mate jonny's very talented mum. I got it as a surprise through the post today, and I love it so much that I framed it straight away. the little girl in the painting could be any one of our girls and it's very simple and lovely - thanks judy! I also love judy's stories about jonny as a wee boy - she should write a book about that wee monkey...

it's been a rather dreich day today. we went on a bike ride and got soaked and utterly frozen to the bone...the girls moaned and cried all the way round but I couldn't help but laugh at them - they seemed to be so annoyed with me for taking them, but they were actually the ones that wanted to go - I would have happily stayed at home. of course laughing at their misery only made them angrier...*snigger*

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