Carla's Third Eye!

By carlaonion

Valentines Day

WELL...what can I say?

I think I have become cynical very young. Every day that is meant to be great...its vile and occasionally normal days are pretty good! But Valentines...It's one of the worst.

And I know that all these cool people say, well you should show your love everyday but do you know what, I would have loved to have had a valentines card from the first ever valentine I've ever had (that is not my parents or a female friend!) But unfortunately my wish did not come true.

Although on the boyfriend front it was a disgusting valentines day I got this wonderful CD from my ex-flatmate (my valentines FOREVER!) and it just rocks so much! All the songs perk me up and completely made up for yet another crappy valentines day! Thanks Linzi!

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