Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

The sun has got his hat on ...

Hip hip hip hooray!

Well what started out as a pretty dull day ended up being rather lovely ... sunglasses and all!

Went to Cambridge with my pa today, met up with my mum who was already shopping with a friend and had a rather lovely Mocha (bang goes the diet at the first hurdle!) Little Miss F in tow, enjoying every minute of getting spoilt by her Grandad, a new lunchbox, Necklace & bracelet! Then off to a famous 'bear' shop to create our very own ... extortion!!! But it was a big treat for her & a little incentive too! So we now have a new addition to the family, one of which needs new clothes ... I welcome you 'Izzy Rabbit' who will no doubt be blipped at some stage!

Anyway, drove round the backs of the colleges & I was greeted with this wonderful display of spring!!

Spring is certainly in the air today!

I hope the day has been good to y'all

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