Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

War of the Worlds

So tonights fun was laser pens....such a weird effect. Mmmm I am going through a blip dry spell me thinks!!

Today has been quite pleasant weather wise but I just haven't had the time to get a decent blip. I had work, then shopping, then picking up a package from the Royal Mail depot and then it was collecting the boys from school. Only discovered today that they break up for half term TOMORROW!! I thought it was next week. For some reason I also thought it was red nose day tomorrow....that's in March though....I would've been sending them to school with sprayed red hair and bright clothes. I think I'm the most useless Mum ever....

I sprayed Lewis's hair red when he was in reception for Comic Relief a few years ago and it had to grow faded to pink before I finally scalped him. He wants to spray it red again and I asked him if he could remember when we did it red in reception but he couldn' I dug out the old photos....he had spikey red hair and his face painted as a tiger!! We were in hysterics over the photos!! He's still keen to do it again though (without the tiger face!). Let's hope that his hair is coarser now and that it won't hold the colour so much!!! Otherwise he will end up being scalped once again!!

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