Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


I've been wanting to do this shot for a while and today seemed like a good day to try it as I'm feeling a bit vulnerable and I hope this photo conveys that.

You may well wonder how, if I'm feeling vulnerable, can I post a shot like this. Good question and to be honest, I'm not sure I know the answer. I do however, know that being on blip has brought out a more creative and expressive side to my character and I like that - it's also boosted my confidence in some aspects of my life. Has it given me the confidence to get back out in the world and risk putting my happiness in someone else's hands? I don't know...

On a technical point, do you know how tricky this shot is to do as SP?! Making sure all that should be covered up is covered up (and it is - trust, me I've checked and double-checked and triple-checked!) and then flinging the cable-release aside in time for the self-timer to kick in

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