The Chaos Bros

By vik

St Andrews

With only little Bro4 here this afternoon the big question was what to do?
Go somewhere to escape the gloomy fog that had surrounded us all morning on our journey to Edinburgh and back to drop off the bigger Bros was the answer.

We headed off with my head full of plans for a lovely walk in the fresh air along the beach at Bro4's toddler pace without the worry of trying to round up all the others for once.

Bro4 fell asleep.
I walked, pushed buggy, still he slept.
Saw nothing worth getting the camera out for.
Went back to car.
Bro4 woke up ready for action.
Toddler paced stroll commenced.
Dozens of gulls appeared feasting on a shoal of fish.

Even at toddler pace, controlling Bro4 while figuring out settings on camera to capture swooping gulls, crashing waves and figuring out the exposure thingy on such a truly grey day was all a bit too much multi tasking.
It would have been easier with all The Bros then at least they could have looked out for Bro4 while I dealt with the camera...

It's back to The Idiot's Guide tonight I think!

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