So it Goes...

By marsen

Im Late, Im Late, Im Late...

Today was a bust day.
I woke up at noon.

Then I went to nathan's house.
He said my hair was getting too long so he shaved it.
I had Cinderalla rehearsals from 6-9 tonight.
Im the King
And then after that we had an indoor soccer game.
We were down 7-1 and came back and tied it up 9-9.
Who got the tying goal?
Thank you thank you.

I just went outside and tried to blip and was like
"ohh butts, it's not good outside."
So I went in here.
Accidently took this pic and was like.
Im not going to stress about this anymore.
This photo actually isn't boosted with color.
"Thar is silver in them thar eyes"
Im just waiting for Kate to macvro my eye.

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