A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Snow N Fuzzy

It has once more turned into a winter wonderland here, we are supposed to get 5-10 inches of snow tommorow alone and there is already almost a foot on my porch. Its kind of.. delightful.

I was walking to my car after work today and caught this in all its soft beauty and snowy fuzziness.

Its funny to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. Its like you see it and its blinding, and unbelievable, and yet its there, and its beautiful. My light is coming. its at the end of the tunnel and I find my mouth agape, my hands tucked deeply in my pockets as my breath comes out in white puffs of air, and I know that soon the sun will hit my face for more than a moment and warm me, for the first time in along while.
I'm afraid of the light as well, I'm afraid of the healing it will bring. darkness I understand, pain I understand, but light and healing, is only a figment of my memories sometimes. But here it is, and soon my hands will reach out and touch it and my body will step into it. Freedom is here, Freedom is here. I felt very much like this seed pod today, cold, maybe a bit alone, but knowing that soon sunlight will come.

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