Rodents rule

By squirk

I like a challenge

At 3pm today, it was realised that no cards or collections had been circulated for five people who are leaving work on Thursday. We've been so caught up in the packing up of the office that we hadn't had time to stop and take as much notice as we would have liked. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster. So the remainiing accounts, reception and personnel leave on Thursday when their redundancy period ends. Usually someone in the relevant department circulates a card for someone else in their department, but when a whole department is made redundant...

So, dilemma. A few of us are sorting it out and I'm on card duty... I've finished one so only four more to finalise before Thursday. It's quite good fun, but I wish I could remember all the haircuts better than I do!! I must be more observant in 2008. And I hope I've remembered which people wear glasses... I think I've got that right.

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