hello again

By admirer


me today. The first is titled: Mademoiselle, entretiens avec Nadia Boulanger, by Bruno Monsaingeon, 1980. Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979) was the teacher in composition in Paris for a very long time. So many young musicians came to her lessons and never forgot about it. From America Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland to name two. Also from Holland modern music composers had the opportunity to be her pupils.
She says "I once had a very nice pupil, but he was afraid. He wanted to please me, he wanted that I love his harmony. He plays and he asks me in desperation: Is this what it should be? And I say: I don't know at all, because I do not know what you want. And it is necesaary that you yourself know what you want". Just one sentence I try to take advice from for my photos.
The other book that I cherish is the catalogue of the exposition we saw last year. Künstler im Weserbergland und die Düsseldorfer Malerschule.
Sceneries in the corner of three countries (Dreiländereck). The artists went for the first time paint in the open, and this will inspire me when I am here in the Weserbergland.
On our walk in the grey-again-weather I tried some landscapes and will try again. We went the Frau Holle-Weg (fairy-tale collected by the brothers Grimm) in the forest, with view on the Weser.
But my blip is the young swan, she deserves it I think.
I wish you all a nice (sunny if possible) weekend with much blipfotofun.

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