Resistance is futile

Especially when there is a beautiful box of Lily O'Brien's chocolates in the house. James bought them for my birthday (I think maybe Corin handed over the cash, but they were from James!) and I have resisted the urge to open them all week.

Until very late last night, whilst sat watching the television and the craving for sugary naughtiness overtook me. These things are desperately indulgent. I have actually only eaten 1 of each type, and James snaffled one this afternoon. However, I feel that with a glass of wine later, I might actually eat the lot.

Then Corin can blip my big fat belly to make up for the blip I did of him last night. Sorry love.

A strange day.

The Trafford Centre was as close to my personal hell as I could have got this afternoon. Tens of thousands of wandering chavs, with no purpose, just wandering, and stopping in the walkways with their big buttocks and multitudinous buggies. The non-chavs (of which there were a few) were easy to spot - a look a purpose, loud tutting when held up by aimless wandering, rapid overtaking when a gaps in the human traffic presented itself and the look of quiet desperation - a sort of "Oh God, what was I thinking - get me out of here".

However, there are now presents for the husband's birthday tomorrow.

Asda for food shopping. Fine, except for the over familiar till assistant.
"Have you had a nice day?"
"Oh yes, it's been lovely, I've been sat quietly reading most of the day"
"What are you reading?"
I briefly explained the plot of the book (ROOM, by Emma Donaghue).
"That doesn't sound very exciting" says shop assistant.
"It's not really meant to be exciting, it's actually quite a harrowing work of fiction"
"Oh, right. Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?"
"No" says I "I intend to do very little except read"
"Oh, does your partner not mind you doing that then?"
At which point I raised an eyebrow and suggested that he might want to finish scanning my goods. I was polite. I promise.

Now, meatballs and spaghetti for tea (fresh, not from a tin!), a glass of red wine and a sit down on the sofa with my book, which has had me enthralled for a couple of hours this afternoon and I intend to finish it tonight.

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