Clare's Symi

By claresymi

Rambling Rose

Ugly. The only word I would use to describe today. Or maybe I could use yuck. Either way, today was not good. Grey skies with barely a touch of blue so the light was terrible and nothing was screaming out 'Blip me, Blip me!' That's why I've ended up posting the only, remotely not yuck, thing I saw today.

I thought today might be dramatic after the high winds and thunder storm that lashed Symi through the early hours of the morning and am disappointed at how dull it's been. This poor tree was a casualty of the storm. I assume it was struck by lightning and I'm certainly glad that I wasn't underneath it when it happened.

At one point I considered doing another pizza picture with the word 'HELP' spelled out but decided against that.

Here I am, sitting at the computer with a bottle of pear cider (never tried it before - it's not bad) and a diet marlborough (or marlborough air or whatever they're called now) anyway, the ones that are supposed to make you feel better about doing something you know is very bad for you, wondering whether to post this image or not. The thing is, I can't quite settle my mind on anything today (this evening, tonight) - maybe I'm coming down with something again. I did do something strange when I first got home from work - took the leftover pizza out of the fridge, took a couple of bites and then put it back, without finishing it. I don't think that's ever happened before... so, it's official, I'm definitely coming down with something.

I'm also rambling, at least by my standards, hence the title of the Blip. Yes, I know it's not a rose but 'Rambling Unidentified Flower' doesn't scan. Yes, I know my name's not Rose but 'Rambling Clare' doesn't scan well either.

Think I will put up the Blip or maybe not...

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